Chapter 196, Bestowing A Ferocious Tiger

The Third Prince's assassination had cast a shadow over the autumn hunt.

However, Tetumtan was indeed a formidable figure of the grassland. Even in this situation, he still let the hunting continue.

In this regard, many ministers came forward to persuade him, thinking that even the King was in danger. What if the killer came to kill Tetumtan?

"Do you think I'll be scared by a mere assassin?" Tetumtan was eager for these assassins to come and kill him so that he could capture and interrogate them about who had ordered them to kill the Third Prince.

Moreover, he knew very well that his children would not kill him now, at least not before the heir was decided!

Seeing his insistence, the ministers didn't say anything more and just let the hunting continue.

However, everyone was no longer as enthusiastic as before. in the end, they hastily finished their work and began barbecue game in the wild.