The Tragic War

Along the shore of the Quanzhou road, artillery fire filled the sky. The earth trembled, and the mountains shook. The sound of fighting soared into the sky.

When Wan Guanglin led the ninth-rank Xiantian cultivators to attack the first warship, the enemy's battle formation was broken, and a gap appeared.

The Adjutant immediately led the Quanzhou Army and charged in from this gap.

With the warships alternating, artillery fire could not be fired. If the enemy attacked forcefully, they would accidentally hurt their own people.

Thus, the Royal ship in the middle blew out the great horn.


The brilliant fireworks exploded in the sky.

A cloud-piercing arrow, thousands of soldiers, and horses came to meet.

"The Commander-in-Chief has given the order. All troops, get in the formation and charge!" When Liu Sima saw the signal, he quickly waved his flag and shouted, ordering the follow-up troops to charge!

"Crossbow volley, shield!"