The More Exciting Competition

Changning slowly got off the carriage. She was wearing a golden crown with a real Dragon carved on it. She wore white clothes with a five-clawed Golden Dragon embroidered with golden threads. Her beautiful face was majestic, and her slightly raised belly had a hint of motherly radiance.

He Chuan was wearing a silver mask and a black suit. He exuded the imposing aura of a saint cultivator.

Because he had deliberately changed his aura, other than a few people who knew his identity, no one else knew that He Chuan was the State Duke.

The husband of Empress Changning.

"So strong!"

Everyone's expression changed drastically when they saw He Chuan's aura.

The Empress of the Zhou Dynasty was rumored to be a saint cultivator. They didn't expect her husband to be a saint cultivator as well. And he seemed to be stronger than ordinary saint cultivators.

No wonder the assassin's assassination failed.

This mysterious man was too powerful.