The Nine Revolutions Divine Art

[Ding! Congratulations to the Host for successfully checking in. You are rewarded with the Nine Revolutions Divine Art!]

He Chuan did his routine check-in. He didn't expect to be rewarded with such a good thing. He quickly opened the system to check the introduction of the Nine Revolutions Divine Art.

This was an extremely powerful defense technique.

It could only be used after one had reached the saint cultivator level.

He used the vital essence in his body to form a Nine-Circle Divine Gold to protect himself.

With every successful transformation, its defense would be strengthened. When it was practiced to the ninth transformation, it could be called a true invincible defensive divine art.

It was impervious to fire and water, and impervious to swords and sabers!

This cultivation technique seemed to be at the same level as the "Taixuan Scripture".