This Dog Thief is So Bold, He Actually...

"White Tiger God, please bless us!" the eighteen saint cultivations of The White Tiger Palace chanted the name of Buddha. They immediately felt that something was wrong and stepped forward. "Sect Master!" The eighteen saint cultivators of The White Tiger Palace shouted at the same time.

"White Tiger God, please bless us!" The eighteen saint cultivators of The White Tiger Palace lowered their heads and put their palms together. Their faces were solemn. The headmaster had ascended to Nirvana. It was sad and joyful. They turned their heads, but they could not see He Chuan in the attic!

"He Chuan, that dog thief, is really powerful!" A middle-aged monk said slowly.

"He's indeed a vicious person!"

"He can't have run far!"

"I'm afraid he's already out of the capital!"

"This dog is really bold. He actually..."

"Let us split up and search for this devil!"