The Sacred Soul Island


There was a slightly muffled sound, and the heavenly King's body, which was dodging, suddenly stopped.

A dark red color immediately seeped out from the corner of his mouth. "B*tch, you dare to kill me!" The heavenly King slowly turned his head and looked in disbelief at the pair of eyes filled with killing intent.

"Bast*rd, you can go to hell!" Lia's voice rang out, causing the heavenly King's frozen body to tremble slightly. This was a sign of extreme anger. Originally, he had dreamed of using the power of the bronze fragment to kill He Chuan by surprise, then turning around to kill Lia and become the true King of the grassland.

He no longer needed to be a puppet.

This move was originally meant for Meng Ao, but he didn't expect it to be useless. However, it was precisely this overconfidence that had caused him harm.