Lia's Succession

The peak of half-step saint cultivator, saint cultivator, the peak of saint cultivator, mortal realm!

In an instant, Gu Mingzhou's cultivation had crossed three levels, and he had become a cultivator of the mortal realm!

Gu Mingzhou once again regained control of his body and broke free from the previous restraint. But that didn't mean that the others would be as lucky as Gu Mingzhou. Among the guards who had lost control of their bodies, the guards with slightly weaker cultivation suddenly blushed.

His eyes were wide open, and his pupils were dilated as if he was enduring something extremely painful. The next moment!

Bang! With a loud explosion, the red-faced guard suddenly exploded in the crowd. Then, bang! Bang! Bang! The guard who had exploded first was like a fuse. After his body exploded, the bodies of the 30 to 40 guards around him also exploded.