No Escape

The area between the eyebrows of the Sword Peak's cultivator exploded, and his sticky brain liquid spurted out, splashing on the faces of the demonic cultivators beside him.

A blood mist flew out from his fallen body and quickly entered Xu Fengyu's body.

"Not good. This space has been surrounded!"

"It's the doing of the thundercloud above. The places that are covered by it are all blocked!"

"We can't escape!"

"Ah! I don't want to die!"

Many of the escaping soldiers immediately realized the seawater that had been driven away by the thunderclouds had been completely surrounded, and there was no escape.

Even if Xu Fengyu didn't make a move, Zhangsun Ting, who had just escaped, wouldn't have been able to fly more than a hundred miles away.

"This Lord had said that if you want to live, then attack me. As long as any of you can touch me, I will let you go!"