The Primordial Array

Gu Mingzhou had an ominous premonition. He hurriedly turned around to look and even called out Jing Wudao's name.

However, all he got in response was silence. There was not even a single echo.

"Stop looking. We are in the middle of the primordial array." Master Qin finally said.

The so-called 'primordial array' referred to the use of formation techniques to imprison heaven and earth.

"So, the true purpose of the primordial array is not to protect the opportunities but to imprison this small world? Gu Mingzhou said in surprise.

Before they came in, Jing Wudao and Shangguan Fei had discussed the reason for the storage space of the huge Daoist's stone statue. It was the carrier of space.

And all the opportunities they were looking for should be in another space.

If the primordial array was really used to imprison space like what Master Qin said, then the creator of the primordial array must have set up this place to imprison this space.