Dangers Lurking

The nine-nether poisonous hedgehog floated in the air. Just as Wei Lin's body was about to fall on its body, it suddenly opened its mouth and bit at Wei Lin's body.


Its mouth, which didn't seem big, swallowed Wei Lin in two or three bites.

After swallowing Wei Lin's corpse, the nine-nether poisonous hedgehog seemed to have had a full meal and turned to look at Gu Mingzhou, who was several miles away.

"You can't escape!" The nine-nether poisonous Hedgehog that could only make sharp squeaking sounds suddenly spoke in the human language.

Before he could finish his words, the nine-nether poison hedhehog, who was floating in the air, suddenly exploded with a powerful force.

The entire Island trembled.

A transparent beam of light, visible to the naked eye, shot towards Gu Mingzhou with the poisonous hedgehog at the center.

The speed of the light beam was extremely fast as if it had teleported.