A Powerful Cultivation Technique

"All of this is nothing more than a fantasy to you now. You don't have to think about it. If you can reach the level of your predecessors, you will naturally know." Qing Emperor shook his head and said as he looked at Gu Mingzhou, who was a little hysterical.

The Qing Emperor, who was floating above the sacrificial altar, pointed his right hand at the tri-colored crystal above his head like a sword!

The tri-colored crystal that was slowly rotating suddenly shot out a brilliant light beam.

The beam of light was of three colors red, yellow, and green. It showed the essence of color and was dazzling.

It quickly entered the stone tablet.

The stone tablet trembled, and the densely packed small golden seal engraved on it seemed to come to life. From the first word onwards, it suddenly jumped out. The words were as dense as dragons and flew toward Gu Mingzhou.