Continue to Devour

The devouring continued!

At this moment, Master Qin, who had been lying dormant on Gu Mingzhou's shoulder, suddenly jumped up. With a flash of purple light, he instantly entered the sea a hundred meters away, causing waves.

"Step back!" Zhao Qiankun didn't care about Master Qin at all. His eyes were fixed on Gu Mingzhou. As Master Qin dashed out, he quickly retreated and said in a deep voice.

Jing Wudao rose to his feet almost at the same time as Zhao Qiankun's warning, and he retreated swiftly.

Just as Zhao Qiankun and Jing Wudao were retreating, a heat wave suddenly burst out from Gu Mingzhou's body.

A heat wave that was hard to detect with the naked eye was like a bubble that suddenly popped into the sea. It spread instantly and burst.

Even though Zhao Qiankun and Jing Wudao had retreated several miles in advance, they could still feel the scorching heat coming at them. Their faces were burning, and they had no choice but to retreat.