The Current Plan

The green spirit nether hedgehog's spikes were so fast and sharp that they could be shot out in an instant.

It was very disadvantageous for Gu Mingzhou to be too close.

Green spirit netherworld followed suit and caught up with him. The thorns on its back shot out endlessly.

The thorns were like poisonous dragons as they attacked Gu Mingzhou.

With no room to retreat, they could only fight. Countless spiritual energy gushed out, and the spear in his hand trembled to meet the incoming thorns.

The sharp spear's radiance instantly collided with the thorns.

This time, Gu Mingzhou turned from defense to attack. The direction of his long spear was no longer just to shake off the thorns, but to directly Pierce them.


Wherever the spear went, the thorns would shatter and explode in the air, turning into a fine powder and falling into the sea.