Sacrificial Array

"What do you want? The vanguard of the underwater beast cultivators has already attacked the island. According to the reports of our scouts, the million-strong army behind them will be here soon!" the old seagull clan leader walked out and stood in the middle of the confrontation as he said angrily.

The seagull clan leader's voice was filled with sorrow and anger, and it echoed in the palace.

Wang Meng didn't say anything. He took a few pills from his clansmen and sat down cross-legged in the hall to heal his injuries. The rogue human cultivators surrounded him to his left and right, forming a protective circle.

Lin Mu did not say anything. The tears on his face had dried up, but he stood tall and proud in the hall in front of Wang Meng, looking at the left protector behind him.

Since the clan leader did not speak, the members of the leopard clan naturally did not speak either.