Every Cloud Has A Silver Lining

Gu Mingzhou understood the intentions of those who wanted to erase the truth.

It was nothing more than fame and fortune.

If a cultivator with the potential to ascend appeared in a sect or family, it would bring glory and recognition to the sect or family.

However, if a cultivator failed to pass the tribulation of the foundation establishment stage and was severely injured, his meridians would be broken and he would become a disabled person. This would no longer be the glory of the family or sect, but a humiliation.

In order to cover up the truth of the matter, everyone covered up the person they thought was the loser, making his traces in the world the end.

"Those who edited the allusions and covered up the truth would never know that cultivators who failed to pass the tribulation would be willing to drag out an ignoble existence!" the Floating Jade Island Master slowly explained.