The Last Brilliance

"I've already killed the imposter!" Gu Mingzhou gestured for him to stabilize.

The fake Ye Xiu did not plot against the Island Master of Floating Jade Island. Instead, he went to the underground palace and framed Gu Mingzhou.

Unfortunately, he failed to kill Gu Mingzhou and lost his life instead.

"Swallow fish is good at illusionary techniques, and with its thick skin, it's easy for it to pass off the fake as the real one and gain the King's trust. Fortunately, I met Senior." Hearing that the fake beast cultivator was dead, Ye Xiu said in relief.

"Swallow fish clan?" Gu Mingzhou asked, puzzled.

He remembered that when he had killed Ye Xiu in the rear hall of floating Jade, he had revealed his true form as a Python.

"What's wrong?" Ye Xiu heard the confusion and quickly asked.

"It's nothing. I personally killed the fake Ye Xiu." Gu Mingzhou confirmed.