Inquiring Secrets

Before it was implemented, it had to be kept absolutely confidential.

Otherwise, if the Zhou Dynasty strengthened its west defenses, it would greatly affect Zhao Gao's plan, and it might even cause Zhao Gao's plan to fail.

Seeing Gu Mingzhou's displeasure, the Island Master of Floating Jade Island knew that he did not want Murong Yan to stay.

Furthermore, the Island Master of Floating Jade Island also had something to discuss with Gu Mingzhou in private. It was not convenient for Murong Yan to be here.

"You go back to the Heavenly Sword Sect first. I will accompany brother Gu to the Heavenly Sword Sect." Floating Jade Island Master said.

"I'll go back and report to the Ssect Master. I'll wait for three days to welcome you two at the Heavenly Sword Sect!" Murong Yan stood up and took his leave.

Gu Mingzhou did not say much.

Floating Jade Island Master sent him out of the tent and watched him leave.