Murong Fu Who Had Hidden Himself Deeply

Zhao Gao was surrounded by nearly 100 mortal realm warriors and became the main target of their attacks.

The first elder and the fifth elder's fighting spirits were reignited, and they each fought against the two holy guards of the sword sect who were at the Dao Foundation realm.

The rebellious holy guards of the Jade sword school began to move. Their swords and sabers kept clashing. Their techniques were gorgeous, and their spiritual energy shot out.

In mid-air, Gu Mingzhou, who had pierced the golden dragon with his long spear, dashed out from the billowing air waves and instantly arrived in front of Murong Fu. His long spear stabbed out.

Countless spear shadows shot out from the long spear, like a continuous crossbow. The sky was filled with arrows that headed straight for Murong Fu.

"Little tricks!" Murong Fu's face was full of disdain. He stood still and struck out at the spear shadows that filled the sky!