Communicate with the Natives of the Heaven Realm

"What, does this mountain forest have an owner?" He Chuan asked curiously.

"From your appearance, you should be from the canyon, right? You guys are very cunning. You must have some purpose for suddenly coming here!" the leader of the burly men snorted coldly and tightened his grip on the spear in his hand. He said unhappily,

He Chuan frowned slightly. He could hear a lot of information from the other party's words.

"I'm a human who just ascended from the lower realm!" he did not pay much attention to this information and said directly.

"Impossible! How can a cultivator who ascended from the lower realm be as strong as you?" the youngest one spoke, his face full of disbelief.

Although the other two burly men did not speak, the acknowledgment on their faces already explained many things.