Young Master Qi Ye

They had seen this kind of thing many times. The newcomer was full of confidence, but then he slapped his face on the spot and owed a huge debt.

Those with bad luck might be captured and sent to the boundless void to mine.

"Fellow Daoist, why don't I open it myself? My nickname is Skyblade. I won't damage anything inside." Wang Lei said.

"Good!" He Chuan didn't care.

Anyway, he knew the general gist of these things. He was now curious about what the last part was.

Of course, he wouldn't take the initiative to remind them. If someone found out that he could see through the meteorite's skin, it would be troublesome.

Wang Lei immediately drew the golden knife from his waist and cleanly cut off the outer shell of the meteorite.

His speed was fast and steady, several times faster than the purple-robed man from before.

The meteorite that was the size of a house had shrunk several times and was only half the height of a person.