The Powerful Yuan Emperor

Ten thousand feet, five thousand feet, one hundred feet…

As the distance got closer and closer, He Chuan could clearly feel the stinging sensation on his skin.

"Just right, I can test the power of the Body Transformation Pill." He Chuan thought to himself that the pill he had spent a long time refining had yet to show its effect.

The ground where he was standing suddenly exploded!

Heavenly Law Phenomenon!!

His entire body turned into a double-horned flood dragon with yellow scales, golden horns, and the claws of an eagle!

The golden dragon was ten thousand feet long.

Even from thousands of miles away, they could see this huge thing clearly.

"Imperial order!" The golden dragon shouted softly, and a dazzling golden light flashed in its eyes.

It opened its mouth and spat out a scarlet flame.

The flames engulfed the three people in front of him, and his tail swept across the person behind him.