The Fight Between the Two Powerhouse

He Chuan and the other two sat on the mountain and watched the tigers fight.

"I think I know who this person is." Emperor Yuan suddenly spoke.

"Who is he? He's actually so strong?"

"This person is an expert from the same generation as me. I thought he died in battle, but I didn't expect him to be hiding here. His body might have originated from a Desolate Demon." Yuan Emperor explained.

If his guess was correct, Thousand Crane Daoist cultivated the Mysterious Yin World Scripture. It should be Li Daitao's method of seizing the path of the wild demon and transforming oneself into a God Corpse.

After hiding here for tens of thousands of years and experiencing countless reincarnations, his cultivation would definitely be more profound than before.

"This is going to be a good show." Yuan Emperor laughed.

This place was rich in Yin energy.