Killing the Gu Eagle

"I want you to lure out the person behind this."

"I'll come over myself." He Chuan's calm voice sounded in the Gu Eagle's ear.

The voice was very close as if it was speaking beside his ear.

The Gu Eagle turned his head subconsciously and saw a black-haired man standing beside him.

The black-haired man was the size of a normal person, not even as long as his feathers, but the pressure he gave off was incomparable to ordinary people.

"And you are?" The Gu Eagle felt a strong sense of danger.

"Weren't you looking for me just now?" He Chuan asked with a smile.

"He Chuan?" The Gu Eagle's eyes widened when it heard this.

Was this person really He Chuan?

It was just a guess, but he didn't expect it to be true.

Not only the Gu Eagle, but everyone was also in an uproar.

They vaguely remembered the scene of He Chuan insta-killing the City Lord. That kind of oppression from the bloodline was still fresh in their minds.