
"Perhaps I can exchange pill concoction techniques from them." He Chuan thought to himself as he walked into the shop.

The azure-robed Daoist child came forward.

"Immortal Elder, are you buying pills or refining pills? The pills on the list were all in stock, and you could order large quantities of them in advance." The green-robed Daoist child handed over the catalog.

The green-robed Dao child flipped open the book. In addition to the list of pills, there was also a list of names. Below the names were the pills that each person could refine and the corresponding prices.

"This is the list of pill-concocting masters. If you have any refining needs, you can reserve a pill-concocting master. Pill concocting masters of heavenly grade and above need a letter of recommendation." The green-robed Dao child did not look like a cultivator at all.