Meeting An Old Friend Again

He would surpass Emperor Tianqi and become a new milestone.

"Attack!" Zhang Qing roared as a 3,000-meter-tall Dharma Avatar appeared behind him.

A white light came from the distance, and the ferocious beasts were annihilated into ashes.

Zhang Qing stood rooted to the ground, dumbfounded. Nie Xiaoqian frowned.

What was going on? They hadn't even made a move yet, and the beasts were suddenly destroyed?

"Welcome, Sir." When Nie Xiaoqian saw who it was, her eyes widened. She resisted the urge to pounce on him and smiled.

"Teacher!" Su Xin was pleasantly surprised.

Zhang Qing reacted.

For the Guardian Tree Goddess to call him Sire and Su Xin to call him Teacher, wasn't he the legendary Emperor Tianqi?

Emperor Tianqi had dealt with the beast in one move. Zhang Qing realized how big the gap was between the two of them.

He had thought he could surpass his idol, but he was too naive.