Heading to the Netherworld

"This time, I only want to block the Yellow Springs Technique." He Chuan said without hiding anything.

"I can't guarantee that I can do it." Yang Kang looked at He Chuan in surprise. This kid had a rebellious bone behind his head.

"It's fine if you have an idea." He Chuan didn't expect the other party to be able to figure it out. It was good that he could follow the train of thought.

He could experiment on Yuan Emperor.

As for Cui Xu, He Chuan had not contacted him for a long time. This person's whereabouts were uncertain, and he did not know where he was busy.

"The other two spells have been deduced." Yang Kang handed the scroll to He Chuan.

The three transformation techniques were called the cultivation method of the Three Realms Eye.

He Chuan crushed the scroll and entered the Moment Kingdom. The first thing he saw was a huge divine beast.