Taking Up the Post

"Fifth-rank county?" He Chuan was a little puzzled. He didn't expect there to be a fifth-rank county to choose from.

"This is the place." Lin Xiu pointed at Guanlang County. "It snows half the time in Guanlang County every year, which is not good for planting crops. Moreover, there are many forests and few people."

Great Yan had a large population. Ordinary counties had at least a million people, but this place only had 150,000. It was obvious that the population was small.

"Isn't this a county?" He Chuan asked.

"A few days ago, the bandits attacked and the magistrate resigned. The imperial court is preparing to demote Guanlang to a county, but the rank of the magistrate remains unchanged." This was also a helpless move. The pirates and bandits of Guanlang County had attacked several times, and the Prefectural Governor and the influential families there had changed several times.