Inverted Black Water

According to the information left behind by the Green Emperor, those who cultivated the path of faith were bound to be trapped by all living beings. The Five Emperors' divine technique was peerless, but it was still trapped in the so-called Heavenly Court and could not leave this world.

The true Great Freedom was the Five Elements Reversal Technique.

When he arrived at the temple, He Chuan casually inserted an incense stick.

Smoke curled up and a figure appeared.

"Greetings, Master." Lin Fu went forward and bowed.

"Who is the Messenger Qing Feng?" He Chuan asked.

"The Green Emperor's Dao child!" Lin Fu suddenly thought of something.

"Do you have any friendship with him?" He Chuan asked.

"We don't have any friendship, but I've heard of his name." Lin Fu shook his head and said,

He Chuan's first reaction was his identity had been exposed, but on second thought, it was wrong.