Revenge on Scorching Sun Dynasty

The Three Thousand Soul Dissipating Needles were about to land.

He Chuan's body was surrounded by a faint black membrane.

This is the Back Water Disaster, which is produced by the destruction of water virtue.

If the 3000 Water could be said to be able to melt all the water in the world, then the Black Water could also assimilate thousands of water.

Taoist Ruo Shui didn't think much of it when he saw the black water. The Three Thousand Soul Dissipating Needles fell on He Chuan's body and immediately turned into black water.

"This…" Taoist Ruo Shui widened his eyes in disbelief.

Not only did the white needle that could destroy everything not hurt He Chuan, but it also fused and turned into black water.

It was He Chuan's turn to counterattack.

Shadows covered the earth, cold winds howled, and ghosts and gods wailed.

A towering mountain appeared in the sky, and the wails of ghosts and wolves were heard.