The Might of the Ninth Level of Hell

The temperature in the prison was extremely high, and the air was scorching hot. Ordinary people would immediately turn into ashes if they took a breath of the fire poison gas, never to be reincarnated.

There were no fancy things on the ninth floor. Anyone who entered would have to endure the burning of the fire poison.

When this level was completed, only the tenth level's grand completion will be left.

This was a domain that even the Yama King had never come into contact with.

The tenth level was the Avici Hell, which was also the legendary Infernal Hell.

The ones who were sent into the Infernal Hell were the most powerful villains. The so-called Infernal Hell was a place where there was no bitterness, no body, no time, and no form.

There was no way to reincarnate after entering. The Infernal Hell had incredible divine powers.