The Ancestor of Brothel

The ground was filled with countless strange-looking human-faced plants. The ferocious faces of the human-faced plants kept spewing out black fogs, even forming dark clouds in the sky.

There were all kinds of strange ghosts and gods flying in the sky.

It had a human face and a bird body, a beast head and a human body, an evil spirit, a Yaksha, and a ten-headed snake.

The sight of blood and the screams of ghosts and gods were alluring.

Rain Master's palms were sweating from fear. She had never seen such a ferocious scene before. The Green Emperor's palace was full of life and vitality, without any dark side.

This place was the complete opposite, filled with fiendish evil spirits and demons.

There were even people who ate human flesh.

There were Six Ghastly Demon Palaces on the ground, and countless ghosts and gods worshiped them.

The ghosts and deities on the ground parted.