Temporary Compromise

"A wise man understands the circumstances. I admire you very much. Are you willing to work under me?" Judge Pan Kui said.

"I won't refuse!" He Chuan thought for a moment and nodded.

"We will all be colleagues in the future. Let me introduce you. This is the Pig Ghost King, the Evil Spirit Yin Commander. This is the Fish Gills, the Insect Yin Commander. Our new colleague, He Chuan," Judge Pan Kui said with a smile.

A few of them pretended to have seen him before, and Judge Pan Kui secretly access He Chuan.

His first impression was not bad. This person knew how to adapt to the situation, understood the situation, and looked at people's expressions.

Compared to the faceless Fish Gills and the pig brain ghost king, he was more enthusiastic.

However, he was still a newbie, so he definitely had some pride in his heart.