The Furious Green Emperor

The Furious Green Emperor

Innate Creation Wood was stabbed into the ground, causing the entire world to tremble. Cracks spread and split into several pieces.

In just a few moments, the ground was covered with withered plants. Great Yan Three Lives Realm was destroyed.

Everyone finally broke free. The people from Xuanhu Mountain were almost in tears.

They had come to pick herbs but accidentally walked into Goumang's trap. If they had not met Yaoyue and the others who had also fallen into the trap, they would have died long ago.

Even so, only two or three of the original hundred people were left. It could be said that their vitality was greatly damaged.

Of course, Fang Ji was very satisfied with this. At least he was not dead. As long as he was still alive, he would recover in the future.

"Thank you, Fellow Daoist He Chuan." Daoist Qing Feng came up to greet him.

"Long time no see." He Chuan said politely.