The End of the Hero

The End of the Hero

Although He Chuan looked absent-minded, Green Emperor believed that as long as he made a move, this guy would instantly react.

"You can't kill me." He Chuan never considered a success when he did things. Instead, he first considered failure and assessed whether he could bear the consequences of failure before he continued to consider whether to take action.

Therefore, He Chuan was not afraid of failure at all. He knew the consequences of failure and had the ability to withstand it.

"Speaking of which, it's strange. The sampling was grown by you in a few years, you're even more talented than me. I didn't believe in heaven's will in the past. Perhaps it's heaven's will that things fall into your hands." Green Emperor looked at He Chuan again.

Green Emperor sighed in his heart. Now, he had actually let it go. He no longer had the anger and hatred he had in the past.

Ten thousand years of hard work had gone to waste.