Dare to Accept the Challenge

Dare to Accept the Challenge

"First, he used underhanded methods to plot against Lianhua. Now, he's publicly divorcing his wife and humiliating my daughter's reputation. Today I will take your life!" Song Qin was instantly furious, and he could barely suppress the anger in his heart.

"Song Qin, you're so impressive! You want to take my son's life? Try it!" He Qingtian's gaze swept across the nearly a hundred martial artists, but his tone was not weak at all.

"He Qingtian!" Song Qin's pupils constricted, and fear flashed across his face.

Although he was the Song Clan Leader and had already reached the early stage of the Life Cultivation Realm.

However, in terms of true strength, he was still slightly inferior to He Qingtian.

It was precisely because of this that he had dragged the Wang family along before coming to the He family!