The Dumbfounded Wei Jianning

The Dumbfounded Wei Jianning

Exercise? Wei Jianning blinked her peach blossom eyes, her expression full of suspicion.

"The temperature has dropped today. How can you come out if your health is not good? Go back to your room and rest. The weather has been bad recently. Don't let the Young Miss go out casually to avoid catching a cold!" He Tian saw that Wei Jianning still wanted to ask more questions, so he quickly pushed Wei Jianning back into the house and instructed his servants.

Wei Jianning was speechless.

Usually, her father was eager for her to go out. It was not easy for her to take the initiative to go out. Why was she forced to return?

Moreover, the weather recently…

Wei Jianning and the servants looked out of the room at the same time. The sun hung high in the cloudless sky and they nodded blankly.

An hour later.

A rich medicinal fragrance spread out and floated in the small courtyard.