Sending Expensive Gifts

Sending Expensive Gifts

In the end, he ordered He Wenxi to lead the guards to protect the He family day and night to ensure their safety!

Feng Yuan and Xu Li had been in the He family's pill store for many years, so they knew the pill store very well.

They had already joined the Wang Clan, so they would definitely betray the pill store.

With the He family's strength damaged, the Wang family could take the opportunity to attack the pill workshop. The pill workshop was extremely important and could not be lost!

He Tian looked up at the Fourth Elder, He Linsen.

"Don't worry, Big Brother!" He Linsen promised solemnly.

In the morning, He Linsen had already sent He family guards to guard the pill store. At the same time, he would make changes to the pill store as soon as possible. The purchase and sale of medicinal pills, and other routes would also be changed!