Song Hai

Song Hai

In particular, putting the black snake into his sleeve was simply an evil act in the eyes of others.

Many people who recognized He Chuan's identity looked at the He family's Third Young Master with disdain and ridicule.

He was at a loss about all of this and calmly stepped into Canglan City.

At the same time, in Canglan City's Taibai Pavillion, many disciples of many families gathered together to greet each other.

Taibai Pavillion was the most famous restaurant in Canglan City, and it was also the largest restaurant in Canglan City.

The building was extremely luxurious, the decoration was magnificent, the style was high-end, the environment was beautiful, and the furnishings were grand.

Those who could enter and exit this place were all people from prestigious families in Canglan City.

However, Taibai Pavillion was expensive. It was rarely full, but it was extremely crowded and lively.