Defeating Song Qin

Defeating Song Qin

As for defense, He Chuan had no plans from the beginning.

As the Unparalleled Sword Emperor in his previous life, his greatest attainments were in the sword technique.

The sword was focused on sharp attacks. It was unstoppable. When the sword came out, the world would collapse. There was no need to defend!

Although he hid his identity to avoid unnecessary trouble, He Chuan did not use his best sword technique.

However, when facing an enemy, the fist technique he used subconsciously adhered to the characteristics of the sword technique, only attacking and not defending.

Under such a powerful attack, the enemy could only defend and had no chance to counterattack!

Song Qin, who was being suppressed, was furious.

He tried all kinds of methods to attack He Chuan, trying to change the situation.