

"Third Brother, help me chop that old dog Song Qin a few more times!" Seeing this, He Yong immediately voiced his support.

"Hurry up and bring some men to follow!" Before he could finish his sentence, He Yong felt a gust of wind behind his head as He Tian slapped the back of his head.

He Yong felt a little wronged. Even a Life Cultivation Realm cultivator was no match for his third brother, so it didn't matter if he went or not?

Two fists couldn't fight four hands. It was impossible for one person to kill all the members of the Song family.

Besides, how could it be as simple as killing the Song Clan?

Asking He Yong to bring people there was to bring back all the valuable things of the Song family!

Seize the house!

"Understood!" He Yong's eyes lit up as he hurriedly nodded.

He led hundreds of He family guards and quickly chased after He Chuan.