Kill Until You Got Scared Out of Your Wits

Kill until you are scared out of your wits

Legend had it that ten thousand years ago, a sword genius appeared in the Sky Sword Continent. He broke through the heavens with his sword and reached the Emperor's realm. He was known as the Unparalleled Sword Emperor.

Not only was this person extremely talented in the way of the sword, but he had also dabbled in all 3,000 Great Dao and had achieved success in all of them.

Tiger Roaring Dragon Fist was a Spirit-rank martial art created by the Sword Emperor based on the left and right combat techniques.

Even martial artists who had entered the path of martial arts were enough to shake martial artists!

However, he clearly remembered that the Tiger Roaring Dragon Fist was lost ten thousand years ago with the death of the Unparalleled Sword Emperor!

How could a youth from a small Qingyun City learn this art?