He Chuan's Condition

He Chuan's Condition

"I am Zhang Changan from the Zhang family of Great Zhao. May I know how to address this Brother?" Countless thoughts flashed through Zhang Changlong's mind in an instant, but his expression remained unchanged. He cupped his hands at He Chuan with a smile on his face.

"He Chuan!"

"Since you are Master Sheng Kang's friends, you are Great Zhao's friends. There's no need to be reserved." Zhang Changlong immediately turned sideways and made a gesture of invitation.

Zhang Changlong immediately turned around and led them into the Imperial Palace.

"Who are these people? How could he swagger into the palace?"

"Shh! The leader is the Fourth Prince and the old man beside him is the pride of Great Zhao, Master Sheng Kang, one of the Three Great Alchemy Grandmasters of the Eight Treasures Pavilion!"

"Even Master Sheng Kang is here? No wonder the Fourth Prince came out to welcome him personally."