Elite Archers

"Boom Boom..."

An intense battle broke out in the entire space. Screams and screams rose and fell, and the light and shadows of various skills and attacks filled the field of vision.

A few hundred meters before the seal, more than a dozen of the most powerful kings had already completely surrounded the sealing point and were doing their best to attack the seal.

The seal was a huge magic array, and the core of the magic array was a huge rhombus-shaped ice crystal.

At this time, the ice crystal had already lost one-third of its HP. It would not be long before the seal was broken.

"Quick, quick, quick! We must break the seal as quickly as possible. This time, we must not let the Lord of Dawn snatch away the mission rewards. These mission rewards are ours!"

A tall man with three eyes brandished the huge sword in his hand and let out an angry roar.