The Strange Black River

That valley was indeed close to the Kingdom of Dawn, but it was still a distance no matter how close it was. It was about 600 to 700 kilometers away.

This time, Li Xiang only had Alice and the other heroes by his side. Neither the angels nor the army followed him.

Of course, this was only on the surface.

There were 100,000 human warriors, 5,000 newly recruited Rapid Blade Demons, and 5,000 Blazing Angels in the newly-opened world suitable for living in the Tower of Stars.

However, these soldiers were still very low-level, which was only around level 50. They needed more battles and EXP to improve.

The truly powerful soldiers were all staying in the Kingdom of Dawn in case of possible enemies.

Six to seven hundred kilometers was not far for Li Xiang and the others. If they could use the teleportation formation, they could arrive in an instant.