The Reappearance of the Foreign Race

Even so, they still felt weak all over. The meridians and flesh of the lower half of their bodies had been damaged by the Thunder Power, and their genuine Qi had been exhausted. They felt as if they had been hollowed out.

If it wasn't for their faces, they wouldn't able to stand now.

"This path of thunder and lightning is too terrifying. If it wasn't for Brother Li blocking the majority of the Thunder Power attacks, Brother Fu and I would've been turned into ashes. We wouldn't be able to walk out of this path."

Fu Mingxue nodded in agreement. Even though he was very confident in his strength, he didn't have many ways to deal with Thunder Power.

However, it wasn't like the two of them didn't gain anything.

The Thunder Power had caused considerable damage to the two of them, but it had also tempered their genuine Qi and flesh to a certain extent. When their genuine Qi recovered and their injuries were healed, their strength would be greatly improved.