Magical Crystal Cannon

When they were about ten miles away, the cannons on the warship lit up.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Dozens of ship cannons were fired at the city wall.

These cannons were actually a type of Magic Crystal Cannons, but they were installed on warships and were slightly weaker than the Magic Crystal Cannons on the city walls.

However, because it was in the air, its attack range was further, and its power was not weak at all.

However, compared to the Magic Crystal Cannon of the City of Dawn, the Magic Crystal Cannons of the Alliance of Gods were still old-school and mainly used energy bombs.

Zhao Sheng put on a serious face when he saw the energy bombs. With a wave of his hand, a translucent light shield immediately appeared on the city walls.

"Hmph, some Magic Crystal Cannons are never going to destroy the City of Dawn. You must be daydreaming!"