Return In Glory

Ye Qiu made a guess, but he was already sure what would happen.

The treasure hunt was just a fuse. The trade between the human race and the foreign race had already made a lot of money, and now, with two more treasures, they were like a moving treasure vault, and the foreign race could attack at any time.

Right now, Ice City was no longer safe. The place would be overturned once the foreign races made a move.

"You're right. The foreign races will come. However, I want them to come here and never return. This time, even if the army couldn't kill the bug race, they could still kill the foreign races. After all, these foreign races aren't friendly to us. Killing more of them will only do more good to us."

"Country Lord is right. We must prepare to face the foreign races now."

Ye Qiu thought that as long as he used the ability of Void Divine Gate, he would be able to safely and quickly leave with his army and return to the Kingdom of Dawn.