Alarming the Queen

At this moment, in the back garden of the palace, a lady who was wearing a long dress with the style of the Western region was standing in a pavilion on a Lake. She was holding fish bait in her hand and casually throwing it into the water.

This was Jingjue Queen.

The aura that she exuded was something that an ordinary woman could not possess. It was the aura of a superior. She naturally exuded a unique temperament by just standing casually.

The exotic clothing on her body outlined her perfect figure, making people feel that they didn't dare to profane her. Her exquisite oval-shaped face was perfect, but the most beautiful and eye-catching part of her was her eyes.

Her eyes were very special. The inner pupils of the eyes were pitch-black, so black that they shone, so black that they were deep as if there was a mysterious passage condensed in the eyes. Anyone who looked into her eyes would feel as if their entire mind and spirit would be swallowed.