Evil Slaying Saber

"3,000 Star Coins? Can you add more? Ice Stones are very hard to obtain and very difficult to fish out the Ice Stones from the Ice Lake!"

The man revealed an awkward expression as he hurriedly discussed.

"Fine, I'm new here, so I'll give you a fair price for the first time. I won't profit from it. I'll just treat it as making friends. One Ice Stone at 3,500 Star Coins. I really can't go any higher!"

That price was very reasonable. In fact, that Ice Stone would not even be half the price in the Kingdom of Dawn.

Li Xiang didn't come here to earn money, but he couldn't let others think he was a fool too. So after some hesitation, he pretended to have made a painful decision to give in.

"Good! I'll exchange it! I have three Ice Stones here!"

Hearing that, the man smiled and quickly took out three Ice Stones and handed them over.

Wushuang Ghost quickly took the items and handed over more than 10,000 Star Coins to him.