A One-Time Use Rare Treasure

"A month?"

After hearing Hua Mulan's words, Li Xiang was a little confused. How could they not see each other for a month? They had only been apart for a few days. How could they be apart for more than a month?

However, with Hua Mulan's personality, it was impossible for her to make up nonsense or remember wrongly about such matters. It did not make sense and was meaningless. In other words, what Hua Mulan said should be true.

But his own experience was also real!

"If Hua Mulan didn't lie, and my experience wasn't fake, but more than a month has passed, the only possibility is that the place we entered through the Devil Oasis was really not in the living world, but the netherworld. There was a difference in space and time between the two worlds. A month in the outside world could be a day in the netherworld. That's why there's such a huge time difference after we return." Li Xiang instantly understood the reason.